Insinyur / Analis Mekanik |
Mampu membuat konsep, merancang, dan mendesain ulang sistem dan produk mekanik, serta memasang dan memodifikasi perangkat mekanik.
Perancang Sistem Mekanik |
Mampu merancang komponen sistem mekanik dan menghasilkan gambar teknik untuk berbagai sistem atau komponen mekanik.
Insinyur / Analis Produksi |
Mampu menangani proses manufaktur, merencanakan rute produksi, memantau, menilai, dan jika perlu, mengembangkan proses produksi berdasarkan hasil proyek.
Insinyur / Analis |
Mampu mempersiapkan dan menyampaikan proyek rekayasa, termasuk kegiatan terkait seperti evaluasi dan peramalan proyek.
Program Hasil Pembelajaran |
PLO untuk program Studi Teknik Mesin ITK adalah sebagai berikut:
No |
Programme Learning Outcome |
PLO1 |
Have knowledge and competencies for careers and jobs in Mechanical Engineering. |
PLO2 |
Able to work in teams, communicate effectively with different scientific backgrounds, and become a leader. |
PLO3 |
Able to take responsibility for work by applying professional ethics, especially in solving problems in the field of Mechanical Systems. |
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan |
ILO untuk program studi Teknik Mesin adalah:
No |
Intended Learning Outcome |
ILO1 |
an ability to communicate effectively in oral and written manners with a range of audiences |
ILO2 |
an ability to solve complex problems, and make informed judgments, which must consider the sustainability aspect as well as to utilize information technology and the potential of national resources with a global perspective. |
ILO3 |
an ability to collaborate effectively in the multidisciplinary and multicultural team whose members together provide leadership to achieve the objectives |
ILO4 |
an ability to apply Pancasila values, ethical and professional responsibilities, |
ILO5 |
an ability to perform life-long learning and apply new knowledge as needed using appropriate learning strategies. |
ILO6 |
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechanical engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics in mechanical systems in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts |
ILO7 |
an ability to model, analyze, design, and realize physical systems, components or processes using appropriate materials by utilizing information technology |
ILO8 |
an ability to develop and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions |
Syarat Kelulusan |
Mahasiswa dinyatakan "Lulus" jika memenuhi beberapa persyaratan berikut, yaitu:
- Telah menyelesaikan seluruh sks studi (144) termasuk Tugas Akhir.
- Telah mengirimkan artikel ilmiah dari tugas akhir ke jurnal, konferensi/seminar, atau dipublikasikan di repositori ITK.
- Memiliki hasil belajar yang ditargetkan oleh program studi dengan nilai minimal C.
- Memenuhi persyaratan SK2PM dengan minimal 1500 poin yang diperoleh dari kegiatan kemahasiswaan.