Dosen - 14 Mei 2022 - 12:00 AM

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is one of the policies given by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud) to all Indonesian students to be free to learn to explore new knowledeges outside of their study program learning. There are so many programs or activities offered in this MBKM, one of which is the Teaching Campus.

The Teaching Campus Program aims to help elementary schools in 3T areas (left behind, frontier, outermost) as well as other elementary schools affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Teaching Campus program empowers students to take part in helping to solve problems in elementary schools with the hope of helping students to learn and develop themselves better, but not only students who can take part in the Teaching Campus Program, lecturers can also participate in this program as a Field Advisory Lecturer (DPL).

Lecturer of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) Mechanical Engineering Study Program, namely Illa Rizianiza, S.T., M.T. was selected as one of the Field Supervisors (DPL) in the Teaching Campus MBKM program batch I with an assignment period from 22 March to 25 June 2021. He mentored 7 students from Mulawarman University who were placed at SD 17 North Samarinda and 1 student from Mercu Buana University who was placed at Tumbang Danau Elementary School, Central Kalimantan.

“My mentoring students come from different disciplines. There is Mathematics Education, Biology Education, Informatics, Informatics Engineering, Physics Education, Industrial Engineering, Chemistry Education, Physical Education, and Psychology. There, students are assigned a role in improving students' literacy and also upgrading the technology used by teachers such as Email, Google Workspace, Microsoft and how to design interesting animations as teaching materials for students," explained Illa, Saturday (29/01/22) .

It is a matter of pride for the entire ITK academic community, especially the Mechanical Engineering Department. Because the chosen DPL certainly guides students from various campuses spread across Indonesia who have different characters and backgrounds in different fields.