
Becoming a Mechanical Engineering Department that is able to compete and have an active role in science and technology through empowering the potential of Kalimantan in order to advance national development in 2025


1. Organizing the Three Pillar of Higher Education in a sustainable manner in order to optimize the potential of the Kalimantan region.

2. Create graduates who excellent in the field of mechanical engineering, are virtuous, have an active role in national development and are relevant to the latest needs.

3. Building cooperation with stakeholders in the context of resource development and research research.


The Mechanical Engineering Study Program (ME) program objectives are derived from the goals of Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK). It essentially deals with human resources development with specific skills in science and technology necessary for natural resource utilization. The study program objectives are listed as follows:  
1. To produce graduates who master mechanical engineering knowledge and can keep up with developments in science and technology
2. To Create synergy between science, technology, and natural resources to improve the people's economy
3. To produce researches and innovation that can compete nationally and can be implemented in to foster national development
