
Mechanical Engineering Study Program has various integrated facilities within the Kalimantan Institute of Technology.
With buildings D, F, and G as classroom buildings and an integrated laboratory with a Computer Lab room for CAD design, 3D Printer, SEM (Electron Microscope) even Wind Tunnel facilities.
ITK also provides student dormitories located near the ITK campus. With various support facilities, the Mechanical Engineering study program strives to create excellent young engineers with a high level of competitiveness.

Here are some other services that ITK provided:

  1. Tracer Study ITK

  2. ITK Library

  3. Integrated Service Unit ITK Computer and System

  4. International Office ITK

  5. ITK Cooperation

  6. Community Service ITK (LPPM ITK)

  7. Digital Library ITK

  8. Information System, Quality Management for Document ITK

  9. Information and Documentation Administrator ITK

  10. Integrated Services Unit